The term “straw man” gets thrown around a lot now days. Not that it’s a new term, but, it certainly has gained in popularity within many circles. I have my beliefs as to why this is but that’s not what we are going to discuss here. Beliefs are very important and should be shared and discussed but I only deal in verifiable facts here. The straw man.
Straw man: 1. “a weak or imaginary opposition (such as an argument or adversary) set up only to be easily confuted. 2. a person set up to serve as a cover for a usually questionable transaction.” – Websters Dictionary
Not only did Webster define the political version of a straw man, but accurately defined the other straw man that isn’t being talked about in most cases. I used to manage a gun counter for a sporting goods store so I sold a lot of guns and had to read a lot of people to determine if they’re purchasing this weapon for themselves or someone else. The vast majority of people are legitimately buying for themselves (99.9% of the time). However, I was taught to identify certain signals or signs that would indicate that a “straw man” purchase was about to take place. This is where someone comes in and tries to buy a weapon for someone else who legally cannot do so. This is the epitome of the second Webster’s Dictionary definition of the straw man. That seems logical and straight forward right? What if someone told you, you had a straw man, as does everyone else, that was created out of thin air for the purpose of doing “usually questionable transactions?” Most wouldn’t and don’t believe that statement at all. How can this be true? What questionable things does my straw man do? That is a long list but I’m interested in covering only one of those points here.
Lets start at the beginning. In 1933, the US declared chapter 11 bankruptcy. In order to help pay for the debts that the US incurred over the past several decades since the previous bankruptcy, congress introduced House Joint Resolution 192, or, “HJR-192” as it’s commonly referred to. This removed the gold standard completely and mandated that all personal gold be turned in to the government. The most important part of this legislation (illegal mind you) is that it converted our ability to “pay” debt into a discharge, dollar for dollar. This means that Federal Reserve Notes have zero value.

Since the creation of the FED, the dollar has had a steady decline in purchasing power and value. The most steady decline was post 1933 when the dollar was removed from the gold and silver standard. A slight incline in value in the early 40’s. This is only due to the banks financing both sides of WWII. Because there was no commodity backing the dollar, the FED could print endlessly without repercussion. Kind of. The government needed some sort of collateral to back the new system after the bankruptcy started so they could keep confidence in other nations who may be interested in investing. We were in bankruptcy. We had no monetary asset to put up as collateral so we had to use tangible assets. The most expensive coming in the form of labor. Your labor.
At your birth, two things were created of which you knew and likely know nothing about and generally wouldn’t agree to. A corporation and a bond were created. Your birth certificate is an incorporating document that established a “straw man” with all of the characteristics of your human self and appears to be you, however it is a fictional entity commonly referred to as a corporation. The paper on which it is printed, is evidence of a bond having been created. Bonds generally are printed on bond paper (thicker almost card stock like), have stamps or embossed seals, now days generally have a watermark to prevent counterfeiting, as well as a registration number. Your birth certificate meets all of the legal criteria to be a bond. Do you really think that it is just a piece of paper? Even in the early 1900’s it was still custom to only record marriages (not the same as today) as well as births and deaths in the family Bible. When my first child was born, we tried to leave the hospital without a birth certificate being created and successfully left without creating the Social Security account that manages your SSN. The nurses looked at us with some discontent and told us we HAD to register a birth certificate. Why do hospitals push so hard for this document to be created and registered? There are very few things in life which require the certificate and most of the time it can be avoided. Why is this paper so important? The nurses and doctors likely don’t understand why they’re told to push for these documents. While they’re somewhat responsible for perpetuating the problem, they are generally ignorant to the system so we can’t blame them.
A corporation was created in your name at birth which the birth certificate is proof of. The certificate is also proof of the bond that was created in the corporations name and description and assigned a value. What that amount is, no one can be certain. However, it is worth x amount of money. This is the commodity that was put up for collateral after 1933. It is expected of us to work until retirement so one can extrapolate the average amount of money one human makes in a lifetime. It’s said that the average American makes roughly $3M in their lifetime from age 18-65 at an average of $67,500/year. This is the average value per bond of collateral that was issued in 1933. As of 2020, there were 258,343,281 people over the age of 18. It is obvious to me that some of those people will not count as they are over retirement age and are not working currently. For conversation sake, there was an extrapolated amount to the tune of $819.5 trillion dollars that could be expected in collateral from the people as surety for the US debt. That is 258,343,281 people multiplied by the average $3,172,500. At the time of this writing, the national debt clock is sitting at $30.5 trillion dollars. If the debt was paid by our bonds (which grow in value per annum) and labor, we would still have roughly $789,594,058,972,500 left over. So, why isn’t the debt paid off? This is because there is no national debt. There are no creditors to the US. The debt is a direct reflection of the amount of money printed, “debt currency” in circulation today. It is said that if all of the FRN’s were returned, the national debt would disappear. Why is this? because the inflation that occurs due to unstoppable printing would reset to zero allowing for all debt instruments to regain their full perceived value and the value of the dollar would return to near 100%.
All of this is beside the point. Back to the straw man debacle. Not only is the straw man responsible for trillions of dollars as collateral for debt but the government, especially local municipalities, use the straw man for incomprehensible amounts of tax revenue gain. Everything you interact with daily is a corporation. Your city, State, courts, obviously utility companies or services etc… The police department that pulls you over for speeding is a corporation itself. Corporations cannot do business with humans because the corporation doesn’t exist. It is not a tangible thing. It is a creation of the mind that exists solely on paper. We as humans don’t exist on paper. We are tangible entities that are free. So, the only way a corporation can interact with us is through our “straw man.” Our corporation created at birth that is worth a large sum of money that we are not privy to. This is evidenced by your social security number. We’re told your SSN is to sacred and kept secret for everything. In fact, most people believe as they’re told that if someone has stolen your SSN, they have stolen your identity. This is completely untrue. Your SSN actually has no identifying qualities or properties to it. In fact, the Social Security Administration states that the SSN can’t be used as identification because it does not meet the criteria for identifying someone. It wasn’t long ago, the SS card used to say right on the front “FOR SOCIAL SECURITY AND TAX PURPOSES – NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION.” They also used to say “Social Security Account Number.” That account evidenced by your SSN already has hundreds of thousands of dollars in it by the time that you are old enough to start drawing on it yourself. If you’re a minor and disabled, your parents can draw on it from birth until you are 18 when you are then eligible to draw unless you are deemed incompetent by a court then your parents can continue to draw from your account. How is this possible if the only money that’s in that account is what you are forced to contribute via illegal income taxes? Those that haven’t worked a day in their life can legally draw on their SS account from 18 to death having put no money into the account personally. This is on average a $1,500/mo check for 62 years if you live to be 80. That’s $1.1M dollars you’re paid out of your account even though not a single dollar was put in there by you. They say the Social Security program is going to disappear. THAT’S HILARIOUS!!! It’s not going anywhere. In fact, we just proved your bond (birth certificate) supplies your account millions over your life time. tens of thousands at minimum per year. Technically it’s not your account. It is the Treasury departments account to which you are the beneficiary. It’s a trust structure that you have no knowledge of. As long as you’re breathing, the US is trading your bonds and notes while using the proceeds to fund the SS account which then can be used for whatever they deem necessary.
One of the most important ways a corporation interacts with your straw man is through policing and the courts. I lump them together because one is in business of collecting money for the other. The police are not a law enforcement agency as we’re taught from a young age. In fact, they have zero authority whatsoever. They have perceived authority because the majority of the public is ignorant to the truth but on paper, their jurisdiction is zero over the public. The courts know this. In common law (jury decision without statute) which is the law guaranteed by the constitution for all free men to move within, in order for there to be a “crime,” there must be a human victim. The state cannot be a victim, the city can’t be a victim, etc… Those are fictional beings that have no capacity to be damaged absent some contract that you’ve signed into compelling you to perform. This is why your drivers license has your name written in all capital letters “JOHN HENRY DOE,” or, “DOE, JOHN HENRY.” That’s not your name. The English language actually states that proper nouns are to be stylized as John Henry Doe. This seems inconsequential but it matters 100%. Every time you see the name of a corporation on a paper, it is written in all capital letters. Any correspondence you get from your internet provider, phone, water company, the city you live in. They’re all capital letters. This is because all capital letters denotes entities that are not living. Dead vessels known as corporations. This is how your name is written on the Social Security Card as well.
When the police officer pulls you over for “speeding,” they ask for your drivers license, insurance, and registration. Those documents are not yours. On every one of those, you will see the issuing companies name in all caps as well as yours. Those are the documents of the state that issued them to your straw man as permission to do a certain thing. When you go to court for that “speeding ticket” the officer cited you for, the court will as if you’re “JOHN HENRY DOE.” You are not that name. You are John-Henry:Doe or just John Henry Doe. If they ask you to confirm your birth date and you state what your drivers license or birth certificate reads, you’re speaking for the corporation, your straw man. You have no idea what day and time you were born. The paperwork for the corporation says that’s when the straw man was created but you have no first hand knowledge of that information. You were told second hand or maybe even third that information which makes it hearsay. Your straw man is not you. It doesn’t belong to you, it’s paperwork doesn’t belong to you, no part of it is yours.
In conclusion, there is a real “benefit” to having a straw man. Since there is no way to “pay” debt as stated in HJR-192, there was a remedy (as required legally) that was instituted but never taught to the general public. It comes from the statement within HJR-192 referring to discharge debt dollar for dollar. There had to be a way to discharge the debt without paying anything of value since our money had no intrinsic value. We perceive that our dollar bills have value so that cannot be the remedy as our labor would be required to pay for the debt that was incurred by the governments transgressions without our consent. Every single correspondence from a corporation you’ve ever received in the form of a “statement” or a “bill,” had a “coupon” attached to it. Most people separate the coupon and mail back to the company with their personal check written out for the amount “owed” on the coupon (see below image). Your statement from a credit card, utility bill, phone bill, etc… generally always has a coupon at the bottom (sometimes top) that is perforated so you can detach it and send back to the company. There is usually a small sentence of instruction that reads something similar to “detach and remit with payment.” Most people, myself included until recently, believed this was saying to remove from the statement and send with a personal check. However sometimes, the issuing company will call this a “payment coupon” in the instructions on the back of the statement. Others state right on the front near the perforated line to detach and remit this payment coupon. Well, we all know what a coupon is. It’s something that is regarded as worth its face value, in the instance below $3,663.23. When we turn in the coupon to the company we received goods from, they discount your total by the face value of the coupon and then redeem the coupon with the issuing entity. No different than using a $5 off coupon for toilet paper at Wal-Mart. You hand the cashier or self checkout the coupon and $5 is removed from your total. At some point, Wal-Mart sends in all of the received coupons to redeem them in cash from the companies that issued them to be used by the consumer. The payment coupon on your statements are no different. In commercial transactions, a coupon is a coupon is a coupon. There is no varying degree of coupon.

So how do you use this type of coupon? It took a lot of time and effort to find the solution for me. I tried various methods before I found one that seemed to work, not flawlessly, but, well enough that everyone receiving them from me, understood that I knew what I was doing. I can only tell you what I did and what worked for me as this is not legal advice. As the reader you’re free to try whatever methods you so choose but I cannot tell you what you should do. I, first, accepted the statement for value, then, turned it into a money order/check by signing the back and sent it back to the company. Most people scoff at this when I tell them. However, that’s because we were not taught how negotiable instruments work. Remember back when we talked about HJR-192 and the discharging of debt? That can only be done through negotiable instruments since there is no money to “pay” debt. You know this is true because you use a federal reserve note for everything in your life. The word “note” is commerce means a promise to pay, a “promissory note,” which is, a negotiable instrument. Your promissory note you signed in a loan for your car or mortgage (even personal loans) are negotiable instruments. They are given value the second your signature is attached to them. This is why they REQUIRE your social security number to do business with you. You’re not receiving a “loan” from the bank. The bank is exchanging your note (negotiable instrument) for credits (dollars) from your social security account. Post 1933, not a single bank in America that deals in promissory notes has ever lent you any money. They have nothing to lend. They have no assets to lend, they can’t lend credit, and they can’t lend our money in savings/checking accounts per federal law. Therefore, you, not the bank, fund your own loan through your social security account. Per 15 USC, your social security card is a credit card. This is further evidences you being your own creditor through the straw mans social security account as a benefit and “gift” from the government for illegally and unlawfully removing your right and ability to “pay” debt with gold and silver as the constitution guarantees.
Your straw man is generally used as a detriment towards you through unlawful banking practices on behalf of the banks and unlawful practices by the police and courts in order to generate more income from the multi trillion dollar industry that is the straw man. Seems terrible and rigged to keep us under the thumb of the banks but once you understand why and how it exists, you can begin to act accordingly to re-establish yourself in the eyes of the banks and courts so you can hold them accountable. It is not as hard and intimidating as people believe. Once you understand that they’re just 3rd party debt collectors, you will understand that they’re not scary at all. In fact, they can’t do anything to you without your consent. You have the power to get back to our intended sovereign ways. You just have to start asking the questions. LibertasEDU can help fill in those blanks.